Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Because I want more....

Sebelum keluar rumah, Shahnaz sempat mengambil croissant untuk dimakan di mobil.
Shahnaz : This is sooooo goooddddd mama...
Aku : Do you know why it called Croissant? Because it shape like crescent moon. It was invented in Vienna to celebrate the defeat of a Muslim invasion, with the shape representing the Islamic crescent. (Bayangkan, kalau sekarang kita yang muslim ini turut menikmati lezatnya the crescent bread).
Shahnaz : I finish it mama. I want more.
Aku : What do you thing I would say Shahnaz...
Shahnaz : We don't have any??...
Aku : If you know my answer, than why you asked?...
Shahnaz : Because..... I want...... more............

1 comment:

Akoe said...

Eva..shahnaz udah gadis sekali yah...pintr lagi..masih main barbie ngak..?? Terus blognya semakin keren lho....